
The Dark Side

of Soy

Soy bean

Soy bean




dietry fiber







dietry fiber








dietry fiber












dietry fiber








Soy producers in the EU

Soy producers in the EU


usage as animal feed


usage as animal feed


Indirect consumption

Indirect consumption

Choose your product!

If you eat
100 g milk

There is an indirect consumption of soy, because the cow is additionally fed with
3 g soy

Only the soy, the cow eats, produces
17 g CO2

Did you know that every time
you eat an animal product, for
example a slice of cheese, you
are indirectly consuming soy?

This is one of the reasons why
your personal carbon footprint is
getting bigger and bigger!

Did you know that every time you eat an animal product, for example a slice of cheese, you are indirectly consuming soy?

This is one of the reasons why
your personal carbon footprint is getting bigger and bigger!

Almost 80% of the annual harvest is used as animal feed. But how much soy does each animal group eat per year?

Soy beans are a legume and are high in protein, especially when cooked. Soy protein contains all the essential amino acids we need for our body's cells, and the beans are also high in unsaturated fatty acids.

Soy is a good source of fibre, and its high vitamin content makes it very healthy. The only thing consumers need to be concerned about is, that it is dangerous to eat raw soybeans, as they contain dangerous substances that are only deactivated after heating.

In Europe, most soy is grown in Serbia, France, Romania and Austria.
Almost 2,7 million tons of soy are grown each year, but this only meets 7% of european demand. More than 33 million tons have to be imported from Brazil and China every year to make up the shortfall, but this is making our carbon footprint worse.
Where in Europe is the most soy cultivated?

Every time we consume animal products, our personal carbon footprint gets worse. Unfortunately, hardly anyone knows this, and our consumption remains unchecked. But what is the reason for this enormous environmental impact?

If you want to know how much soy an animal has eaten for a certain amount of product, select an animal product from the list. This will show you by how many grams your personal carbon footprint is worsened by the consumption of that animal product. Remember that the CO2 emissions are only based on the import of soy.

How does soy grow?

Soy plants need a temperature between
24 - 34°C to grow best! The climate should be warm and humid and it is very important that the seeds are planted when the soil temperature is above 10°C. As temperatures in central Europe don't usually reach 34°C, some new soy varieties have been developed that can be planted at lower temperatures.

  • 38%

    11.780.000 tons

    broiler chicken

  • 16%

    4.960.000 tons

    milk cow

  • 4%

    1.240.000 tons


  • 16%

    4.960.000 tons


  • 11%

    3.410.000 tons


  • 3%

    930.000 tons


  • 2%

    620.000 tons


31.000.000 tons
of soy are used for animals

Soy bean

Soy beans are a legume and are high in protein, especially when cooked. Soy protein contains all the essential amino acids we need for our body's cells, and the beans are also high in unsaturated fatty acids.

Soy is a good source of fibre, and its high vitamin content makes it very healthy. The only thing consumers need to be concerned about is, that it is dangerous to eat raw soybeans, as they contain dangerous substances that are only deactivated after heating.

How does soy grow?

Soy plants need a temperature between
24 - 34°C to grow best! The climate should be warm and humid and it is very important that the seeds are planted when the soil temperature is above 10°C. As temperatures in central Europe don't usually reach 34°C, some new soy varieties have been developed that can be planted at lower temperatures.

Soy producers in the EU

In Europe, most soy is grown in Serbia, France, Romania and Austria.
Almost 2,7 million tons of soy are grown each year, but this only meets 7% of european demand. More than 33 million tons have to be imported from Brazil and China every year to make up the shortfall, but this is making our carbon footprint worse.
Where in Europe is the most soy cultivated?


usage as animal feed

Almost 80% of the annual harvest is used as animal feed. But how much soy does each animal group eat per year?

31.000.000 tons

of soy used for animals

Indirect consumption

Every time we consume animal products, our personal carbon footprint gets worse. Unfortunately, hardly anyone knows this, and our consumption remains unchecked. But what is the reason for this enormous environmental impact?

Choose your product!

If you want to know how much soy an animal has eaten for a certain amount of product, select an animal product from the list. This will show you by how many grams your personal carbon footprint is worsened by the consumption of that animal product. Remember that the CO2 emissions are only based on the import of soy.

Soy bean

Soy beans are a legume and are high in protein, especially when cooked. Soy protein contains all the essential amino acids we need for our body's cells, and the beans are also high in unsaturated fatty acids.

Soy is a good source of fibre, and its high vitamin content makes it very healthy. The only thing consumers need to be concerned about is, that it is dangerous to eat raw soybeans, as they contain dangerous substances that are only deactivated after heating.

How does soy grow?

Soy plants need a temperature between 24 - 34°C to grow best!
The climate should be warm and humid and it is very important that the seeds are planted when the soil temperature is above 10°C. As temperatures in central Europe don't usually reach 34°C, some new soy varieties have been developed that can be planted at lower temperatures.

Soy producers
in the EU

In Europe, most soy is grown in Serbia, France, Romania and Austria.
Almost 2,7 million tons of soy are grown each year, but this only meets 7% of european demand. More than 33 million tons have to be imported from Brazil and China every year to make up the shortfall, but this is making our carbon footprint worse.
Where in Europe is the most soy cultivated?


usage as animal feed

Almost 80% of the annual harvest is used as animal feed.
But how much soy does each animal group eat per year?

31.000.000 tons
of soy used for animals

Indirect consumption

Every time we consume animal products, our personal carbon footprint gets worse. Unfortunately, hardly anyone knows this, and our consumption remains unchecked. But what is the reason for this enormous environmental impact?

Choose your product!

If you want to know how much soy an animal has eaten for a certain amount of product, select an animal product from the list. This will show you by how many grams your personal carbon footprint is worsened by the consumption of that animal product. Remember that the CO2 emissions are only based on the import of soy.


Planting bean in the ground









From the bean grows a leaf


Leaf grows into a plant


Legumes are created


Beans ripen in the pods






Planting bean in the ground





From the bean grows a leaf


Leaf grows into a plant


Legumes are created


Beans ripen in the pods




Currently, Europe has to import more
than 90% of its soy from Brazil and China to meet its annual needs.
This results in a huge carbon footprint, which could be reduced by increasing soy cultivation in Europe.

Currently, Europe has to import more than 90% of its soy
from Brazil and China to meet its annual needs.
This results in a huge carbon footprint, which could be reduced by increasing soy cultivation in Europe.

Currently, Europe has to import more than 90% of its soy from Brazil and China to meet its annual needs.
This results in a huge carbon footprint, which could be reduced by increasing soy cultivation in Europe.

Soy is grown in Brazil and must be imported by Europe

Soy is grown directly in Europe



1 kg soy from…

5,6 kg CO2

for 1 kg soy

0,8 kg CO2

for 1 kg soy

Chance for Europe

Chance for Europe

Chance for Europe

If we would produce 10%

more soy in Europe, which would
result in 10% less imports, we could save…

If we would produce 10% more soy in Europe, which would result in 10% less imports, we could save…




tons of CO2 per year

tons of CO2 per year

This is the same amount as
an aeroplane would circle the earth

This is the same amount as
an aeroplane would circle the earth

2.004.478 times!

2.004.478 times!

If you eat
100 g milk

There is an indirect consumption of soy, because the cow is additionally fed with
3 g soy

Only the soy, the cow eats produces
17 g CO2


import of 1 g soy

5,6 g CO2


import of 1 g soy

5,6 g CO2

Chance for Europe

Soy is grown in Brazil and must be imported by Europe

Soy is grown directly in Europe



1 kg soy from…

5,6 kg CO2

for 1 kg soy

0,8 kg CO2

for 1 kg soy

Because many tons of soy are imported into Europe every year, there are enormous CO2 emissions.

Every time soy is imported from Brazil, 5,6 kg of CO2 are emitted for every 1 kg of soy transported.

If, for example, a container ship transports
150.000 tons of soy, the CO2 emissions amount to 840.000.000 kg.

Because many tons of soy are imported into Europe every year, there are enormous CO2 emissions.

Every time soy is imported from Brazil, 5,6 kg of CO2 are emitted for every 1 kg of soy transported.

If, for example, a container ship transports
150.000 tons of soy, the CO2 emissions amount to 840.000.000 kg.

Because many tons of soy are imported into Europe every year, there are enormous CO2 emissions.

Every time soy is imported from Brazil, 5,6 kg of CO2 are emitted for every 1 kg of soy transported.

If, for example, a container ship transports 150.000 tons of soy, the CO2 emissions amount to 840.000.000 kg.

The Dark Side of Soy

The Dark Side of Soy

soy cultivation

soy import

soy as feed

animal eats soy

animal product

indirect consumption

personal carbon footprint




dietry fiber




Soy cultivation

soy cultivation

soy import

soy as feed

animal eats soy

animal product


personal carbon footprint

Soy cultivation

The way of soy

The way of soy

The way of soy

5.800.000 trees

204.200.000 trees

1.305.600.000 trees




In order to neutralise these amounts of CO2, we need trees to convert the CO2 into oxygen.

CO2 neutralisation

In order to neutralise these amounts of CO2, we need trees to convert the CO2 into oxygen.

CO2 neutralisation

2.694.000 tons

annual crop of soy in Europe

2.694.000 tons

annual crop of soy in Europe

In order to neutralise these amounts of CO2, we need trees to convert the CO2 into oxygen.

How many trees are needed to bind these 16.320.000 tons of CO2 in one year?

CO2 neutralisation

How many trees are needed to bind these 16.320.000 tons of CO2 in one year?

How many trees are needed to bind these 16.320.000 tons of CO2 in one year?

5.800.000 trees

204.200.000 trees

1.305.600.000 trees


