Why soy as feed?

Why soy as feed?

Soya can be used in many different ways, but the main use is as animal feed. This is because in 2001 the use of animal meal was banned and farmers had to find a new high-protein feed alternative.

To improve their factory farming and make their animals grow faster, the farmers changed their feed, using more and more soy beans.

These soybeans are a great source of protein and contain many amino acids that are very important for the health of the animals.

Soya can be used in many different ways, but the main use is as animal feed. This is because in 2001 the use of animal meal was banned and farmers had to find a new high-protein feed alternative.

To improve their factory farming and make their animals grow faster, the farmers changed their feed, using more and more soy beans.

These soybeans are a great source of protein and contain many amino acids that are very important for the health of the animals.

animal flour forbidden
in 2001


soy as feed

animal flour forbidden
in 2001


soy as feed